Friday, October 08, 2010

~ Has it been one year already ~

Memories of Dad

... absent from the body and present with the Lord

They say times flies when you are having fun, but truly time flies regardless of your enjoyment level. It doesn't seem like 12 months ago that I got a call from a nurse at Vanderbilt Medical Center to tell me that my father had passed away; at the end of the phone call - my mind had not processed that he had actually passed away. It had processed that I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible and that Dad was not doing well. I hung up, and in a tizzy of nerves and stress, I grabbed my purse and ran out of my office, calling my husband, my sister and my brother telling them that Dad was in trouble and we needed to get up there now. I was crying and upset, and then, at least 15 minutes later, as if the words from the nurse had been chasing me from my office, they slammed into my brain and I had to pull over, call the hospital back and have the nurse tell me again what she told me before and she confirmed that yes, my father had passed away and that a nurse was with my mom now. I didn't know I could cry as loud and long as I did.

One year ago today I lost my father, he was awesome. I remember his imperfections too, but they were all a part of what made him awesome. He was someone we (his family) all turned to for advice, for help, for his wisdom, which sometimes we took and sometimes we didn't, for his companionship, his love. "They say" you never know how much you will miss someone until they are gone - how true are those words! How often you called them, how much you took them for granted or how much you took what they did for granted. Their companionship, their laughter, their sense of humor, how much he did for mother - in and around the house and more, how much he meant to all of us. We just miss him - we loved him. I thank God for His Love and the knowledge and comfort that we all have to know that Dad is enjoying his "divine retirement" and that someday we will see him again.

1 comment:

kathy said...

what a beautiful tribute to your dad. i love it! it's 4:30 in the morning and i can't sleep so decided to get on the computer and this was the first thing that came up. i remember at isaac's and steph's reception that i made a comment that the best food there was the "spicy" peacans and found out that your dad had made them. when i got ready to leave he came up to me, handed me a container with a note on top and told me to enjoy! in the container were some of the peacans and the note on top was the recipe! through all the activities that day he still made time for someone..... me. thanks for sharing the tribute with everyone!