Wednesday, June 30, 2010

~ No time ~

I have things wondering through my head all the time that I might like to blog about; even form the words to say, but I never seem to have the time when I have the thoughts to blog, and I never seem to have the thoughts, when I am the time to blog .... Y'all have really missed out!!! (~.~)

So, anyway, here is a question for Going Goofy ... see the photo below; I was playing with my photos the other day and was wanting to attempt to do a photo collage with different exposures or color .... any suggestions? Really should have limited it to four also ... There is a famous photograph or photographer who did or does this isn't there ?????


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

~ Butterfly Sitter Needed ~

I have a friend who is going out of town for a few days. We were emailing each other about trip planning, etc., and she added, other than having to board her dog, she is trying to find a butterfly sitter because she has 3 monarchs which will be "hatching" (my term - not hers, and I am sure that is the wrong terminology for this ... ) while she is gone and someone will need to be there to release them ... She has a butterfly garden and several butterfly houses. If she didn't live so far away, I think I could handle that job. A butterfly sitter! It even sounds fun.

Monday, June 14, 2010

~ I missed my vacation ! ~

We were supposed to go to Seagrove Beach from May 28 through June 6 and we missed it. We actually had to cancel. My doctor was going out of town for 3 weeks and wanted to see me before he left ... the week I was supposed to be on vacation ... and even had me scheduled for surgery - just in case - which Praise the Lord I didn't need! BUT since it was unknown at the time and I knew I couldn't take vacation for a week and then be out due to surgery for the next week consecutively without my employer going ballistic .... sooooo we cancelled our vacation :( And now we probably will not be able to reschedule until September because of other summer commitments; and by then the oil will have most likely taken over the beaches of Sea Grove - BP is really on my hit list!

My whole summer feels off now - we always take Mem week for vacation and now I have the whole long summer staring me in the face - its kind of depressing missing your vacation. Blah!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

~ Stuff ~

Memories from last weekend ... went to Lake Mitchell with my husband to his brother-in-law's family lake house ... see the turtles lined up on the fallen log, they were everywhere ... cute!

Oh, and last week, went painting ... here it is! Geraniums - I love them.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

~ Journaling ~

A few of my friends and I have started a journaling swap group. (We keep a journal for a few weeks and then meet for dinner and swap - way to get to know each other better ... ) Thank you M or was it S? OR both? Anyway, I have been in a really negative mood here lately and haven't journaled much because I figured my negativity would make its way onto my pages and who wants to read that kind of stuff! I came across this link on my Facebook:

it was from a NPR link of open journaling for girls... or something like that .... here it is:

Anyway, it gave me a whole new outlook on this journaling thing - maybe I will starting carrying my water color pencils around with me to do my journaling from now on!

This was one of my favorites (there is one that shows their travels that was very cool, but I couldn't get it to copy ... ) :

Check them out, they were all pretty cool! It may give us all some journaling prompts - something I always need ...