Friday, February 26, 2010

~ A Melancholy Day ~

I am having a melancholy start to my day. My breathing is getting bad again. My airway feels more narrow every day. I tried to get an early appointment with my surgeon (my next followup is not until late April), but he is out of town - they told me to go to the emergency room. It just felt so unsympathetic to be turned away like that, not even an attempt to have one of his medical partners see me in his absence. He has a new nurse working with him and I have decided I don't like her very much after that conversation - she was very "cold". So I am going to try to see someone local and see what they say ... enough on that. Although, I think "that" is the root of my feelings today. I dislike having health issues, it depresses me, especially when its the same re-occurring thing.

Today, I would rather be here .... riding a double decker in Rome with one of my dearest friends, not worrying about my health, just excited to be where we were and experiencing an awesome time together.

Or here, watching my husband look for shells, this was a good day, we had a good time.

Or here, watching the sunset with my husband and enjoying a summer vacation.

Thank you Jesus for the memories in my life, that I can recall when I have days like this one.

1 comment:

Ms. Fiddlesticks said...

I agree. Nice to have those good memories. Find a doc and staff you get along with and feel good about. It is your body and choice to choose your doctor. I am all for 2nd opinions or finding the one that fits you.