Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monkey Quiz ... good to know!

Are you smarter than a monkey?

You scored 100%, which means that you're 62% smarter than a monkey!
'Are" you smarter than a monkey?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Church photos ...

I have never made a good church photo, but this one was in the "acceptable" range! We even bought a few of them!

This will probably never happen again.

Til later, V

Monday, September 22, 2008

Prissy girl ???

I used to be such a prissy girl and my husband is doing his best to turn me into an outdoorsey person. Camping and 4 wheeling ... I really do enjoy it though! I didn't think I would actually enjoy 4 wheeling, but we went yesterday and I liked it. We rode 26 miles on an ATV trail somewhere on the edge of Bankhead Forrest. I am sore all over today though. My feet, calves, buttocks, arms, chest and worst of all my hands and thumbs! You power the gas with your right thumb and it is so sore! I slept with a heating pad wrapped around my hands! I have had to use both hands to use my hairspray, put on perfume, etc. But it was totally worth it, we had fun. We had another couple and their two sons with us and we packed a picnic and it was just a beautiful day.

My boss's wife had a birthday and I made her a birthday card. It's a watercolor. I saw one like it someone and tried to put my own mark on it ... Oh well, it's the thought that counts! Happy Birthday Kelli!

Til later, V


Aaron, my stepson has moved to South Alabama and we are going to miss having him around so closely!

He spent his last few weeks before his move with us and we really enjoyed the extra time with him. Our visits with him now will be further apart ... we will miss you!!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Released from Chains ... well, sorta!

I have been freed! I went for my surgical follow-up today and my surgeon has officially released me from my medical alert bracelet! YAY!!! It said I had to be intubated with a pediatric airway tube, because my airway was not large enough to take a normal adult size .. And an emergency medic - if the necessity arose, would permanently damage my airway and possibley (he said most likely) kill me attempting to intubate me otherwise... Of course, he warned me, my scar tissue could begin to grow again, but for now I am good! Thank you Jesus! He said my airway looks great. I still have to go back in 4 months for another check up, but for now I am just so thankful for the good check up!

Til later, V

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sick Betta ... Well Betta!

My poor little Betta Fish who I have named Bubbles because he makes huge bubble nest all around his tank was sick with "popeye". His eye was all bulged out and his mouth was swollen! When he first started getting sick my husband told me I should just flush him and go buy another one! Obviously not a vested pet lover! I took off for the fish store and got the recommended medicine and yesterday, after 10 days of being finicky and hanging around under the fake bushes of his tank and not eating, he is better! His little tank was lined with bubbles when I got to work and he jumped up out of the water when I dangled my finger above the water when feeding him. His eye is back to normal, color looked good, and everything! Our office cleaner has given me such a hard time about the sick betta (I had ask him to give him his medication over the weekend when he comes in to clean ...) but I have a healthy fish again who seems even spunkier than before.

Am I being too silly to worry over a little betta fish? Oh well ...

Til later, V

Friday, September 05, 2008

A new Art Class

I started a new art class last night. It is called The Art of Visual Journaling and Altered Books with instructor Suzan Buckner. She is great. When we got to class she had us all a goodie bags with tons of neat stuff in them to use in our art projects. Above are some photos of what were in some of our bags.

Her blog is http://thriftycollageartist.blogspot.com/ in case any of you are interested ... (above photos are from her blog - I forgot to take photos ...)

I am looking forward to the next four weeks of classes!

Til later, V

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Camping memories ...

I discovered a new language this weekend.
We took my 13 year old step son and a friend of his camping this weekend. I am not truly sure they even realized they were out in the woods the entire time they were there, except for the fact that they had to walk to the bathhouse to bathe, etc.

A new language ...
The campground is about a 2 hour drive away from our home and they rode in the back seat and talked "gaming language" the entire time. They are both avid gamestation/computer boys. While I knew the words they were saying, I didn't understand the content of their conversations, not even a little bit. It was so strange to hear a conversation being carried on nonstop that I had no understanding of. It reminded me of an old Twilight Zone show, and I had entered a new dimension... They played their games and watched movies almost the entire time we were camping, except when we took them to the pool and when we made them come outside to play a yard game that we had brought, silly us!!! We actually thought they would enjoy that - it was pure chore for them!!

I grew up camping with my family for the majority of our summer vacations and Mom and Dad had to come looking for us when it was time to eat - they pulled into the campground and we all took off to find some fun, adventure and make new friends. Those were the days when it was safer to let your kids run wild, I know, and they really were the days of fun in the summertime - at least for me and my bros & sis.

On the way home, a huge hawk swooped down out of the sky and was flying really close beside our car for several seconds, I said, "Wow, boys look at that hawk, you could almost touch him, he's so close." ... no response, I looked away from the hawk expecting to see them gazing in amazement at the closeness of this wild creature ... they had not even looked up from their games! I gave up.

I actually felt sorry for them. I know that sounds as though I feel superior to them, I don't mean for it to, but they were missing out of all of that fun that my generation used to have, enjoying the outdoors! Even if they are making their own fun with their gaming systems. They are missing so much!

Til later, V