Sunday, February 28, 2010

~ From Start to Finish ~

I took my first portrait class; below are my results, it was a 6 week class and I photographed my progress and the end of each class.

This is my Dad. And after working on it for so many weeks, it looks just like my dad; but my mom and sister say it looks more like one of my uncles ... I could never get him to smile and every time I tried, it just didn't work, so I finally gave up. I decided after the class to put him aside and let him be for now, maybe I will pick it up again, at a later time. I want to take a class on eyes and mouths. Then maybe I'll have a go and fixing what I don't like.

I enjoyed the class and I really want to try more portrait work. Maybe if its someone I don't know I will do better. But I am not unhappy with the results.

Friday, February 26, 2010

~ A Melancholy Day ~

I am having a melancholy start to my day. My breathing is getting bad again. My airway feels more narrow every day. I tried to get an early appointment with my surgeon (my next followup is not until late April), but he is out of town - they told me to go to the emergency room. It just felt so unsympathetic to be turned away like that, not even an attempt to have one of his medical partners see me in his absence. He has a new nurse working with him and I have decided I don't like her very much after that conversation - she was very "cold". So I am going to try to see someone local and see what they say ... enough on that. Although, I think "that" is the root of my feelings today. I dislike having health issues, it depresses me, especially when its the same re-occurring thing.

Today, I would rather be here .... riding a double decker in Rome with one of my dearest friends, not worrying about my health, just excited to be where we were and experiencing an awesome time together.

Or here, watching my husband look for shells, this was a good day, we had a good time.

Or here, watching the sunset with my husband and enjoying a summer vacation.

Thank you Jesus for the memories in my life, that I can recall when I have days like this one.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

~ Snow Day ~

Have you ever spent a whole weekend cleaning house and it still not be done come Monday? That's me. I cleaned all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday and come Monday morning, I still have clothes in washer, clothes in dryer, 2 rooms to vacuum and one bed that needs clean bed sheets ... but I swear I was cleaning house, honest. It just don't seem like it now! Next time, maybe I should turn the TV off ... Hallmark Movie Channel was playing some sweet romantic movies all weekend .... it was Valentines Day after all.
... oh yeah and it snowed, thus the title ... :)

Monday, February 08, 2010

- Stuff Be Gone -

I was cleaning my kitchen Friday night and was becoming frustrated at how much "stuff" I have on my counters ... so, I picked up something and threw it in the trash. It was a gift from a dear friend at least 5 or more years ago - rarely used but I loved it and had wanted it sooooo bad when she surprised me with it - only to quickly realize how un-needed and unuseful it really was, but out of loyalty of our friendship, I have kept it, moved here, moved it there, used it rarely, got little pleasure from it unfortunately; but Friday night, I got absolutely ecstatic with it, when I savored the pleasure it gave me to throw it into my trash can. I got giddy. I started looking for something else to throw away because I didn't want to lose this feeling - happiness, satisfaction, and a little bit of freedom from STUFF!

I managed not to completely fill my trashcan though.

But, I am still on the prowl.

And, I am sure my friend would have been very happy to see how much pleasure I got in throwing her gift in the trash, I did keep it for 5 or more years after all. :)

Monday, February 01, 2010

~ 25 Cent Book Sale ~

Attn: All Book Lovers and avid readers .... I got this email today from the "Friends of the Library" thought I would pass it along in case any of you are interested in a book sale.

The Friends Of the Main Library will be having their semi-annual 25-cent
book sale Saturday, February 6th. The sale is located in the Jane Roberts Auditorium
in the main library, Monroe St. downtown Huntsville, and will start at 9:00 Saturday morning,
February 6th and will end at 3:30 p.m. This sale will include all types of books, fiction
and non-fiction, paperbacks and hard backs. There will be several thousand
books on sale including history, psychology, religion, foreign language,
children's education, plus several tables of fiction. All books in the
auditorium will be 25 cents each.

This sale is open to the public so invite all your friends to come down and
browse through the thousands of books we will have on display.

This sale applies only to the books in the auditorium! The FOL Bookstore
will be open, but their prices will be as marked in each book.