He started reading it about a week before Thanksgiving. I was in the kitchen and I heard the KennyG song which is the first to play on my play list, so I took a peak into the living room and sure enough there G was bent over his laptop breezing through my blog, old post and all. I thought, wow, he finally got curious and I was flattered. The next morning I am working about the house and Gary has been outside working and I finally go out looking for him and he has got his bush trimming tools out and has trimmed our wisteria waaayyy back. Suddenly it dawned on me, he had read my blog entry of October 4 where I showed our overgrown wisteria ... I had to laugh and when he asked what I was laughing about and I told him I guess you read my blog huh? He laughed too, he said I had to go get my camera so I could prove that my husband wasn't totally worthless ... we had a good laugh, but now I know how to get things done ... hmmmm this blogging has it advantages!
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