Sunday, July 10, 2011

~ Wilkins Family Reunion July 9, 2011 ~

Here's the gang, well, except me, I was behind the camera, don't know why I didn't use my timer ...

Above, Marge, Ronnie and Donna Wilkins  (Uncle Henry & Aunt Olene's  family)

And below is Mom (Inez Wilkins) ...

Isaac, Stehanie and Allison Wilkins (Jim & Inez' grandson and family) ...

Mary's family  (Jim & Inez's daughter)  Byron, Macie, Mary, Chad, Mandy, Ella, Elizabeth and baby Mason ...

Me and my husband, Gary ...

Timothy (Jim & Inez's oldest son) and his wife Rachel) ...

Tim and two of his children, Isaac and Hannah ...

Had to add this one too because I thought it was so sweet ...   (and besides its my blog and I admit, I am biased ...)

Timothy, Me, Mom, and Mary ....

Nip and his family ... 

Isaac and Allison ...  (again biased ...  sorry!)

Mary and her grandbabies ...  


Elizabeth and Ella Collum  ...

Margie, Terry, Hilda and John Thurston ...

More photos of Nip's family ...

Tiny  (because he weighed 3 lbs when born I learned) & Nip (well, he doesn't know how he got that name - his real name is Stancell, but we all know him as Nip!)  ...  (Aunt Polly and Uncle Tap's sons)

Freddie (Barron) and Jan Scott ...  (Aunt Sue and Uncle Scottie's son and daughter-in-law)

Some of Uncle Bert & Aunt Miriam's family ...  Josh, Butch, Barbara and Randy (whose wife and daughter was here too, but had left before the photos...) 

I know I missed some people, like Sandy and Larry, Nava Jean and her family who were there, my sister-in-law's daughter Hannah, and a few others, but I tried!

It was a good time and it was good to catch up with family.  We missed the ones who could not make it and hope they will be able to be with us next time.

Looking forward to next year!

Monday, July 04, 2011

~ Fourth of July ~

My neighbors had a 4th of July party on Saturday, they built a 150 ft slip and slide that you could drive a car down, (their side yard is on a hill) and made a pool at the bottom with logs and tarps and filled it full of water.  They had sprinklers all along the side of the "slide" and they used no more tear baby shampoo to keep the slide slippery  Yes, it was totally deserving of a You Might be a Redneck if ...  joke of some sort,  or CMT top redneck moments ... there was tons of grilling, alot of kids running around with visible bruising all up and down their back sides (think about it a thin sheet of plastic on top of dirt and patchy grass, sliding at a somewhat high speed for yard sliding anyway ... alot a bruising - I don't know why they kept doing it) and alot of drinking,  There were about 40 - 50 people there.

We went over and ate and traveled back and forth from our house to theirs for most of the day, watched the fireworks and the party lasted way into the night - I could hear it all while I tried to sleep in my bedroom next door ... 

The highlight of the evening was when the lady of the house came out and yelled across her yard ...  "WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS THREW UP IN MY BATHROOM AND DIDN'T CLEAN IT UP ???!!!???"   To which at least 5 guys all raised their hands .....

Hope everyone else's 4th of July was fun!