Thursday, November 25, 2010

~ Thanksgiving Day ~

It was a great day to share with family.  The only ones missing were my kids and my oldest niece and her family, who lives out of state.

So glad the rain held off until evening!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

~ Thankful ~

So, its that time of year ... as I read recently ... that your family ties you to a chair, forces you to recite reasons to be thankful and then stuffs cooked Turkey and dressing down you until you go into a 6 hour coma ...

Well, to be honest, we do actually do this, or did in the past. Dad would have us stand in a circle, holding hands, getting ready to bless the food before we gorge ourselves into oblivion, and tell what we are thankful for or say a prayer of thankfulness. I didn't mind, I actually enjoyed it, I do have alot to be thankful for; even in bad times, there is so much to be thankful for. Salvation, great husband, awesome parents, sister and brothers, plus more family, friends, and so much more.

My problem was trying to decide which thankful thing do I recite aloud, because after all, there is some awesome food waiting for us in the kitchen! And we were all really thankful for that too!

I hope you all have a wonderfully thankful and happy thanksgiving holiday.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

~ Crap Day ~

I had a crap day yesterday. Problems with a co-worker. I needed to vent and I needed a second opinion. I called 3 friends to lay all of my negativity on them and get feed back. All 3 friends were not available to talk. So I stewed, then went home - talked it all out with my husband. And I felt better. And I was able to come to work today and be civil and even friendly.

Really, I think I just wanted someone to affirm my feelings and get aggravated with me. Which my husband did a fairly good job of and gave me some totally man advice " just blow it off ".

Which I have.

So, if any of my 3 friends that I called yesterday and could not talk, read this ... no worries - my husband did a great job and really that is what he signed on for, right?

Sunday, November 07, 2010

~ Office Birthday Lunch ~

My boss' wife, sweet Kelli, upper right corner, planned an office lunch for my birthday at Cotton Row, with champagne and all the works, great fun!