Wednesday, July 22, 2015

While I sit idle ...

While I sit idle …


I used to go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) a weekly (using the school calendar – so no summers or holidays) international Bible study for women.  They do a series, every year a different study for I think 8 different in-depth studies.  I loved it.  I went with a friend – which helped me remain faithful …  I completed all of the studies – 8 years?

The leader at the time was Suzanne Matthews.  She was awesome and always enjoyable to hear and so well prepared.

Its been years since I went – I was looking up BSF on the internet to see if there were new classes available and saw a link which included her name.  She apparently no longer leads BSF, but has gone on to become an author, artist (took multiple art classes and now sells her art), she speaks at retreats, etc., and writes a blog, I haven’t read her full blog, just a little info on her, but it is at this link:

As I read about her life changes, I was excited for her and her accomplishments, but then felt, wow, what have I done?

I have lots “to do” projects and ideas, I could create art and sell it – probably... maybe, my writing is not bad, but I have no desire for that, but I have lots of other ideas that I just don’t push forward on.

I have watched more TV in the past 3 years, than I have in my entire life. I have become a couch potato.  I could take 2 hour naps every Sat and Sun; I could stay in my PJs until noon, getting my house cleaned in a major productive day for me.  Ugh! I feel like a slug.

At any rate, I have got to get up off of my couch, and get back involved in some activities, so first, I want to get involved in a Bible Study and it just so happens BSF does have a new study this year on Revelations, so I have sent an email and requested to start the class this fall or be put on the waiting list at least.

Anyone want to join me???  Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM – see below:

Southside Baptist Church

209 Marsheutz Ave

Huntsville AL 35801

Meeting day/time: Tuesday 6:25PM

Class type: Evening Women



Here is the link to BSF:


I would love to have my friends join me!