Monday, August 24, 2009

~ Finally Tried It ~

Okay Mrs. Goofy, I finally tried the art project ....

I made this .....

into this ....

I showed the bottom water color to my 14 year old stepson without showing him the black/white photo and asked him what he thought. He thought it was very cool, so then I asked him what he thought it was, he thought it was some pieces of fruit, and oriental writing .... then I showed him the black/white, and he goes oooohhhh now I see it.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

~ A good day ~

I've been missing a lot of church here lately because I have been wanting to spend as much time as possible with my Dad who has had some very disturbing news concerning his recent surgery. The aortic valve that was just most recently replaced is leaking - bad. The doctors and the home health nurse have not been very promising about his prognosis.

But today, I had to go. I have missed my chuch. I have missed my sunday school. I only made it to SS, but it was awsome and inspiring. I didn't have much to add to the class, I just listened, but it was enough. I was fed. Thank you ladies for all sharing so much. Sometimes, it make me feel lacking in my own walk to hear others sharing so much, but's that's okay, I needed the encouraging words I heard today.

I did spend the day with my parents and Dad was amazing. He had energy, he was not like the same man I spent the evening with just past Wednesday. It was so good to see him feeling good.